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on my heels

I don't lke if some one interferes with my work ,as a matter of fact any thing-- if i'm working or even cooking.
I don't make a good assistant and if i'm doing some thing i would like to do it. I don't like people steeping in and sorting /messing things. They may think they are helping me. but no they are not. I do ask for help if required,and i don't hesitate to delegate things . 
Past few weeks at work i have to put with some one .One of my colleague M ,always does that. She knows nothing on what i'm doing,she just want to show off that she is also good,mess things .Today i confronted this with her. But do hate these confrontations ,its a kind of ugly . In fact its me who helped her to get a job, helped her with recruiting agencies, helped her with interview. I think she gets intimidated with my presence,so she tries to prove herself . Whatever it is do it your own space ,not in my space. 


its been hectic at work due to holiday season. Retail domain's busy season starts from sept.peak for thanks giving and thru Christmas
So its like crazy at work.
Happy holidays!!